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Garage Sale - By Changming Yuan A whole box of human hearts, each Still pulsing like a fresh-skinned toad Two rows of shining skeletons of unknown gods All with fingers longer than legs, skull-sized toes Three sets of enchanted knives, possessed By evil spirits (need sharpening) Four giant alarm clocks, guaranteed To wake the dead in a five-mile […]
Ad Astra - By David Falkinburg There’s an open wound across the sky bleeding stars waiting to be bandaged with paper and ink. Fire ashes smoke towards it from a tired history smoldering wanting hope from those stars. Have we forgotten what’s above us? Put down your earthen weight and all those retrograding problems and worn out words […]
Code Orange and Code Blue - By Adele Gardner On high-ozone days, we all wear masks, Filtering what air there is to breathe, Supplementing it from oxygen tanks. Still, it pays to walk Slowly. Owls do not have masks. We keep them in a room With potted trees and recycled air And VR walls simulating night That emit a jaguar’s warning […]
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